About Me

I like to make things (not necessarily following a pattern). I like to indulge in credit crunch retail therapy - I have boxes and boxes of op-shop awesomeness! I have a quilt that never ends which I want to finish this year. I have over a dozen peices of retro furniture to restore. And, I hope one day to have a house to put it all in! When I was four, my dad visited me when I was in hospital and bought me a Little Golden Book called "The Ginhams - The Backwards Picnic". It was a great book, and the whole concept of the backwards picnic (not necessarily doing things the right way or in the right order, but still achieveing the goal) is still used in our family today.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ok, so an update of the projects I've done in the last month!

First, cushion covers for my brother and his girlfriend to take back overseas - made out of old woolen blankets.

Second, my Girl Guide Blanket, otherwise known as the blanket of my mis-spent youth! Well, it's done now. And, all the cotton was sourced from a tray of cottons that came from my grandmothers sewing room. So glad it is done!

And, thirdly, a Russian Doll toy made for my friend's daughter for her first birthday last weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You busy little bee.
    Ohh cushions from a woolen blanket, what a great idea, I may just have to give them a go. x
